why does chrome use so much ram

 Although Google Chrome is most popular web browser, it has one severe issue that it takes too much memory. Why does chrome use so much ram & what is the solution for that. We will discuss about this topic in this article.

We can choose many web browsers, but if you’re not on an Apple device, including Safari, you’ll probably want to use Google Chrome. In fact, by the end of 2020, it was estimated that a lot of people across the device were using Chrome. One of the reasons to use it is that its interface is very simple and the Chrome browser is known for working fast.

why does chrome use so much ram

However, if your computer’s configuration is low, then the Chrome browser works slowly. Chrome later requires a lot more memory to work well. This means that the memory depends on how much you use it, how many tabs you open, and exactly what you are doing. If you open a dozen tabs you probably need two gigabytes of memory. If you’re multitasking, such as multiple HD videos, rich web pages, and extensions enabled at the same time, Chrome will use a lot of RAM. Chrome uses a lot of RAM because it saves everything you run here which means Chrome splits every tab of each browser extension into its own process that takes up its own memory space.

One of the major advantages of Chrome Browser is that if there is a problem with the cause of a page crash, it will not affect the rest of your browsing tabs. If you open many tabs in the Chrome browser and want to work on all the tabs at once, you can safely use the Chrome browser. However, using a lot of tabs means that Chrome consumes a lot of RAM.

Development of Chrome

After attacking Specter and Meltdown bugs a few years ago, Chrome began to aggressively differentiate mechanisms. As a result, many users need to use an additional 10% RAM. Chrome claims that they use memory so it can get things done faster. As mentioned, Chrome has a reputation for being a fast browser because it stores a lot of data in its memory and later Chrome uses this data – so Chrome can browse faster. Like a new story, Chrome can guess what you’ll see. Chrome automatically loads your website and page resources into memory and performs fine-tuning when you want to reload the sites.

If you use the Chrome browser with other programs and you have 4GB of RAM, you may find it a bit slower. If you do a lot in your browser, Chrome will try to prepare itself to speed up the computer by applying some memory management techniques, including tab dropping. Chrome automatically downloads the contents of the tabs from memory, which means that Chrome will reload the contents to access your RAM when you try to re-insert your tab.

Why Google Chrome is the best

Like many, I use Google Chrome as my primary web browser on a daily basis. Google Chrome has a fatal flaw that makes your RAM heavy. Many may ask why Google Chrome is so good because Chrome is one of the most prominent browser that share the workload of sites, which means your browser isn’t running under any single function. Every web tab and every extension and every plug-in Chrome runs a new mini function in the web browser and if anything fails the whole web browser does not crash. This means you can save everything. If you have multiple tabs open and you are doing a huge research project, you will not lose all the research in multiple tabs in case of any single tab crashing.

How to solve-Google Chrome use so much ram

Here are some tips on how to access Chrome for your system. If Chrome seems to be using a lot of your RAM here, you can verify the extensions you have installed. You can stop tabs and extensions that use dozens of memories. You can uninstall heavy extensions that you rarely use, if possible. Or you can use alternative websites, which will reduce the pressure on your Chrome browser. Some extensions can reduce memory usage by converting your tabs into links. And just keep what you really need. You can see how many tabs you are using this extension and on a general basis, & what other programs are using. You can also go to settings and see Chrome’s own task manager. Yes, they have their own task manager just for Chrome. So you can easily see which tab or extension you are using the most data for. You can follow below process to reduce the load on the RAM for Chrome.

Solution to reduce ram usage on Chrome:

If you are using a laptop with less RAM like 4GB or 6gb then you will face a slowdown problem on your computer. While using Google Chrome even if you close Google Chrome it is still taking memory in the background. In this section, I will show you how you can optimize your Google Chrome to make it useless Ram on your computer. Let me check how much a memory Chrome is using on my computer in the task manager and you can see that Google Chrome is taking high memory on my computer even there is only one type of Google Chrome is opened but still it is taking a high amount of Ram in the background processes.

Windows Tasks Manager

You can see that Google Chrome is still running in the background there are lots of Google Chrome processes which are running and taking some memory on the computer.

Google Chrome Task Manager

Now let’s open the task manager of Google Chrome and check which processes are taking memory. To open the Google Chrome Task Manager, we need to click on the three dot then more tools click on task manager. Let me expand you can see their processes and Google Chrome extension which is running in the background and taking memory.

Tasks Manager of Chrome

You can check the memory footprint of these processes and Google Chrome extension. So, if Google Chrome has tons of Extension and apps running then you would face likes slowdown on your Google Chrome. Because these Extensions and apps are going to take the memory. Now we have gotten the idea that this extension are taking memory on computers.

Disable Extension

So, we need to disable these extensions, to do this, we need to click on “three dot” (which is placed right side on top corner of the Chrome Browser). Then, more tools, and click on the extension. After that, you can disable the extension which you are not using. You can completely remove them if you are not using those extensions.

There may be some important extension that may be running all the time. But if you are using some extension for a particular time then you can disable it. And you can enable it again when necessary to save some ram’s memory. So let’s quickly disable and remove the extension which you are not using. After that, open the task manager, now you can see that those processes are not there anymore. Because we have disabled Extension and they are not taking memory on the computer.

GPU acceleration

Now the next thing is to enable GPU acceleration. To do this go to address bar and type chrome://gpu/ and hit enter. Under the graphic feature, make sure most of the features are hardware accelerated like below picture.


Google Chrome will use hardware acceleration to execute your process faster. If it is not enabled, then click on three dot. Go to settings then scroll down to the bottom and click on advanced. Now, checkmark to use hardware acceleration when possible turned on.


Junk Files

You can also increase your Google Chrome Speed by deleting unnecessary junk files from Google Chrome. To do that, first click on the three dot, then click on the setting. In the setting, click on the Clear Browsing History. In this way, you can clear your Chrome history, cookies, cache, and more.

Clear Browsing Data


The Great Suspender

Now the next thing is to use a Google Chrome extension which is called The Great Suspender. You can find this extension on Chrome Web Store. If you are doing multitask on Chrome, then this extension will help you to release the memory from idle tab. You may not be using at the same time all tabs; this extension will find which type is idle from a long time and it will suspend that tab and release the memory. You can select the setting as per your choice or keep the automatic setting. To install this extension, first click on the three dot, then more tools, then extension.

why does chrome use so much ram


After that, click on the three lines of the left-hand side on the top corner. Next, click Open Chrome Web Store.

Chrome Ram

After opening the Chrome Web Store, write “The Great Suspender” the search field. You will get below extension.

Chrome Browser

After clicking on the “The Great Suspender”, you need to add it to Chrome by Add to chrome.

Google Chrome


Running On Background

If you close Google Chrome and find its processes are still running in the background. You may be wondering that even after closing the Google Chrome your computer is still running slow. Your other application also runs low because the Google Chrome processes running in the background. Therefore, the process of Google Chrome are still running in the background and taking some memory on the computer.

To fix it, you have to go to Google Chrome then setting go to advanced option at the bottom. Under the advance option, you find an option continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed.

how to make chrome use less ram

You have to turn this option off. After turn off this option and close the Google Chrome. It will not run any kind of background processes on your computer. You can save your ram lots if you follow the above steps.

Please check our more posts to get technical knowledge.

why does chrome use so much ram


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